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I was so excited about the Petit Trianon that when I got home last night I took out my book on Petit Trianon right away and had to scan some of the images in to share with you. The book is the 1913 Boston Architectural Club Year book. The Boston Architectural Club was sort of like an AIA - it was a continuing eduction type of club that architects could belong to. They produced a yearbook every year on a different subject. In 1913 it was on the Petit Trianon.

About 225 pages are devoted to it - first a brief history, then site plan and floor plans (pictured ), some photos, detailed drawings of every room ( you could practically build it! ) and then some furniture working drawings of Marie Antoinette's furniture! The rear has a few envois drawings of students ( I'll do a posting on these drawings later ) and then some really interesting ads. You can find the book around through some antique vendors ( I did a quick froogle of it and found 2 up for sale on the WWW ).section, plan and elevation of stair hall
a typical window detail and elevation - mirrored side panels!

drawing showing the detailed flooring and paneling of the dining room

While the first floor has a very logical and well thought out floor plan, the '2nd' floor is a warren of little bedrooms. I was surprised to read that the 'closets' off the bedrooms were actually where servants slept! How awful! I mean -these literally ARE closets!
detail of 'MA' monogram on paneling in stair hall

The main room is the dining room, with the secondary main room being the salon ( isn't that backwards?? ). I know that these names are merely just terms and furniture in the 18th century was built to be moved around -so basically any room could be used for any purpose. Hence the light weight and delicacy of 18th century furniture. In the days before air conditioning and heating, you just stayed in the most comfortable room based on natural conditions and had servants bring in the dining table, sofa, dressing table or whatever piece you may require.
dressing table at Petit Trianon

Marie Anoinette's bedroom (s) were the small ones off the salon shown here. They are only 1/2 height and have another set of bedrooms right above her ( for her closest friends! ). The section shows this relationship more clearly.
section - on the right hand side of the lower one you see MA bedrooms off the salon with lower ceiling

I hope you enjoyed this 2 part lesson on the Petit Trianon!site plan of petit trianon ( square on the right side ), gardens and auxiliary buildings