May I apologize for my recent lack of posts but show you what I've been up to? As you may know I moved a few months ago into an older 'fixer upper' Coop apartment. I left downtown for the Cleveland Park neighborhood for numerous reasons, one of which was the need for more space and specifically a dining room.
Before I moved in the dining room had an ugly chandelier and wood shutters. Heavy wool wall to wall carpeting was throughout. That was a few months of some hard work ripping it all out!
You may recognize a lot of these pieces if you've been reading my blog for awhile; they're just finally coming together in their proper space. The chair in the top picture is one of my 'haunted chairs' which I decided to upholster in the Ralph Lauren plaid.
The large pastel drawing above the bookcase has been with me for a few moves now and I never feel at home without it. This room contains many of my favorite objects but probably the most beautiful is my Capri decanter from Baccarat beneath the drawing, I just love the classic lines..
I love having books here in the dining room which I use not only for every meal but also to spread out and study the latest magazines. Probably the largest project I tackled myself (other than the reconfiguration of the walls for which I hired a contractor) was painting the window sashes black to match my doors. I love how they turned out!
The view through the archway into my foyer shows a sneak peak of some more of the apartment. I know many of you like seeing table settings and here is one below from a little housewarming dinner party I put together after finally pulling the room together.
I already have a pair of bamboo shades I was contemplating hanging in the windows for a layered look behind the curtains. What do you think, do I need them? Practically speaking, as the window receives a lot of light I thought it might help with glare particularly in the summer. I suppose I could always take them down if they look too cluttered. Thanks for visiting and let me know what you think about the blinds!
China of the week
Dining room
my apartment
my work
My dining room
My dining room
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