I've always been fascinated by the greats of French design such as Maison Bagues, makers of fine French chandeliers, furniture, and metalwork for over 150 years (depending where you read) - most commonly noted for their products being heavily used by Jansen. This weekend I stopped into my favorite shop, Artisan, and noticed a few fabulous antique Bagues pieces for sale.
My favorite was just in so not yet on their website so you'll have to deal with my cellphone shot. The iron body with Greek key design, smokey crystals sharing space with gilded iron, rock crystal, and amethyst took my breath away. I really wish I had a spot (and the budget) for it in my apartment!
If you have a moment, take a peak at this website here which has a lot of vintage photographs of Bagues work. Also be sure to see the detailed blogpost that The Devoted Classicist wrote on the company earlier this year. And they're not just history as Maison Bagues, is alive and well; you can visit their showroom your next trip to Paris!
Maison Baguès
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