The combination of white, beige and chocolate is quite thick at this apartment. One material which pretty much used as an attempt to expand interior layout is clear glass and mirror glass with varying shades. This treatment to make the interior atmosphere felt warm and cozy while optimizing occupant privacy aspects. Using clear glass with bamboo tree pattern that surround the bathtub area in the master bedroom in addition to functioning eliminate the narrow space impression is also cramped space aesthetic effect that consistent also with urban society lifestyles. The style used on divider glass between dining room and family room is different. In addition to not so private, glass function here to create the dynamics of space so that no rigid impression.

Family Room
From a private elevator, we may see the family room with glass walls from the bottom to up opening vast balcony. Gray L-shaped sofa fit to sit on five people. Sofa size with length 240 cm and width 87 cm to give warm atmosphere. In front, LCD television is placed on shelves with length 250 cm, width 60 cm and thickness 30 cm which has 3 drawers that each drawers measuring 83 cm. In the back of TV was given a mirror reflecting the front living room.

Functional space division according to the owner needs. Exit from the private elevator directly to open wide area till the balcony with beautiful city view. On the right there is the pantry, dining table and living room. Next to the pantry any wine storage space. Next, go into more privacy room, such as spacious master bedroom is equipped with workspace and bathtub as vocal point of space combination. Child’s bedroom is on the right behind the LCD TV in the living room. The bedroom also gets best decoration.

The combination of brown and cream applied to the rectangular wood table 100 cm x 100 cm with thickness 3 cm which height is equal with the couch. Seat like donuts cake with chocolate accents diameter 100 cm, partially inserted into the table. Sofa in the living room is covered with gray carpet. Material selection and decorating apartment interior represent successful metropolitan community with classy taste.

The bathtub interior is designed open shelves on the left and right to keep bathing needs, flowers, books and photographs. Shelves high from floor 160 cm, width 150 cm and 100 cm. Part of the toilet wall almost all dominated the mirror. Mirror in front of the sink with width 170 cm and height 50 cm. Storage cabinets is hidden in the wall of wood material that placed beside the sink and close the door. At first glance you did not think that this wall is used as wardrobe.

Child’s Bedroom
Glass wall was chosen to incorporate natural light in the room. Glass width 280 cm with height up to the ceiling. Shelf to display pictures and accessories of wood material with length 270 cm, width 20 cm and height from the floor 65 cm. The side of bed, laid out clear glass of American building photographs are placed in 9 frames where each frame has height 60 cm and width 45 cm. All frame height with glass is 180 cm and width 135 cm.
Round table with materials such as sofa has diameter 60 cm and height 35 cm. This table includes the Fat-Fat model created by Patricia Urquiola from Italy. Salvatore + Marie accessories on the table with gold finishing. Lazy chair with chandelier above it be a choice of relaxing and reading. Hidden wardrobe behind gray wall. Cabinets height to the ceiling 280 cm and width 170 cm, while the width of each cabinet door 45 cm.

Gourmet Kitchen and Asian Kitchen
Before reaching the family room, 4 bedroom apartment unit with area 205.4 m² to 333 m², also presents dining table with 6 dining chairs that are quite unique with each seat height 115 cm. The color is same with sofa color. Wooden dining table with thickness 3.5 cm and the legs from the black metal plate that the top rated cavity to enter the top of table on the left and right.
The kitchen is equipped gourmet kitchen and asian kitchen. Two pantry on the left and right related with wine storage shelves with two glass doors as wide as 163 cm. While the cabinet with length 340 cm, width 60 cm and height 82 cm. The cabinet has 6 doors. High cooker hood from below 80 cm with width 90 cm.
Above the pantry is designed open shelves near the cooker hood. This rack is made of stainless steel with length 72 cm, width 20 cm and height 74 cm. Three abstract paintings from the pencils depicting women expression in various styles.

Family room area which is actually affiliated with dining room separated by clear glass that the center part was given layer that illustrating the grass sandwiched stainless steel. Glass width 126 cm with thickness 1 cm that the left and right side leaving distance without glass width 12 cm.

The Master Bedroom
The main bedroom is designed self-contained and luxurious. In front, there is work space with timber desk L-shaped with length 240 cm, width 60 cm and height 75 cm. Table on the side with three drawers has length 90 cm, width 40 cm and height 60 cm. Dark brown carpet with length 230 cm and width 160 cm becomes base of furniture Landscape model (arch) by designer Jeffrey Bernett. A unique table with lamp-lit corner of the stainless steel Kelvin F from Flos. Budi Eka Putra paintings with measuring 140 cm x 140 cm, calming workspace that merged with room combination.
Protruding from the master bedroom is the presence of bathtub surrounded by glass to the ceiling height 397 cm with width 230 cm and 205 cm near the door. Brown bamboo trees of thick plastic taped around the glass. LCD television is designed against the clear glass with thickness 1 cm on stainless steel frame. TV height 120 cm from the floor.

Decorating Room
In addition to LCD TV,there is access to the bedroom, child’s room and decorating room. This decorating room is located before the main bedroom. One part is designed with wall mirror with height 80 cm and width 233 cm. Small rack of stainless steel that is attached to the mirror has height 66 cm from the floor.
The seat of the square brown leather with length 68 cm, width 45 cm and height 48 cm above the carpet. In front is a table for make up, it’s made of dark wood with length 137 cm, width 57 cm and height 75 cm with three drawers. This decorating room could also function as reading room and family room. Equipped with a single white sofa with length 200 cm and height 95 cm.
That is quite interesting from this decorating room arrangement is a hanger on the back of mirror near the couch and just inside the entrance. Mirror has height 200 cm, width 120 cm and thickness 10 cm. The distance from the door of 40 cm. A painting titled East Coast measuring 105 cm x 85 cm beautify the room. The decorating room is equipped with lighting with Casamilano model created by designer Piantana Jackie.

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