My favorite part of the tour of the British embassy was seeing the small private stair which leads f[...]
The main staircase at the British Embassy was designed by Lutyens to awe all visitors and make a gra[...]
I recently had the honor to host a lunch time tour of the John Russell Pope designed National Galler[...]
The public spaces of Lutyen's British Embassy exemplify the British Country House look; grand, luxur[...]
As an architect you constantly find yourself specifying interesting and beautiful products but how d[...]
While summertime 'downtime' (obviously) continues on this blog I thought I'd share some images my Au[...]
Filoli is known primarily for her gardens admittedly. Yes I love the house but most visitors are dra[...]
The thing I adore most about visiting house museums is checking out the amazing details caught[...]
While in California I stopped by Filoli, a spectacular house museum that I have blogged about extens[...]
While in San Francisco I visited one of my favorite museums which I see every trip to California, Th[...]
As many of you know, last week was fashion week in NY. A good friend of mine sent me a few gorgeous[...]
Located above the Museu de Arts Decoratives in the Palau Reial de Padralbes is the Barcelona Textil[...]
What was Christian Dior up to in 1948? Well, for one thing -he was designing 'Abandon' for autumn &[...]
Lets talk, Nicole Kidman. You're one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Why are you doing th[...]